Evidence-Based Biomechanics Company

Biomechanics Demonstration Lab Environment Marketing

Evidence-Based Biomechanics Company


Optimize brand awareness and solidify marketplace position as the leading provider of top-tier, research and clinical-grade biomechanical analysis solutions.


Create the Demonstration Lab to aggregate all products together in a turnkey system that remerchandises their existing technology, and drives perceived and added value in the market.


  • Physician Practices
  • Human Perfomance Gym/Center/Facility


Drove the small company operating in larger company-dominated space and catapulted them to an industry darling by increasing sales over the life of the three-year strategy by 91%.

affiliates & partners
fabcom brainfood IBM Cognos logo displays FabCom's partnership with IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Software Grayscale Logo of Database Marketing Methodology company in Phoenix, Arizona Fabcom - HubSpot certified gold solutions partner Microsoft Azure Neuromarketology logo A gray font comprises this S-shaped logo for Scottsdale Interactive with the tagline 'Integration. Reach. Impact.' IBM Watson logo displays FabCom's partnership with IBM Watson Analytics Software Hybrid Reality HReality Professional Virtual Event Platform HReality Professional Virtual Education Platform Blocksolid HReality Professional Virtual Event Platform