
meet the team

At FabCom, it's all about smart, talented, passionate professionals working hard together to deliver truly effective integrated marketing agency services. We simply combine the best of business strategy, creative strategy, and new technology to deliver amazing results.

company overview

For decades, we’ve led the pack when it comes to creating integrated, multi-channel marketing that really works. We deliver innovations from the convergence of business, segmentation or content marketing and creative strategies, combined with leading-edge technology. Plus, we’re the first in our industry to offer our clients a 100% guarantee of results. Find out how we can do that.

  • Full-service, strategic, cross-media marketing and advertising
  • Elite team of strategists and creative implementation experts
  • Best-of-class marketing business intelligence ninjas
  • Powered by superior automated marketing technology
  • Focused on return-on-investment accountability
  • Utilizing a hybrid strategic planning process to solve marketing challenges
  • Decades of experience in every aspect of 1-to-1 marketing and brand management
  • Scientific approach to more efficient, effective targeting of your customers
  • Success for clients via every form of traditional cross-media marketing
  • Long-term win/win relationships
Brian Fabiano, CEO/Strategist

Brian Fabiano


Brianna Jennings, Executive Vice President

Brianna Jennings

Executive Vice President

Mark Weber, Chief Financial Officer

Mark Weber

Chief Financial Officer

Sean Appelmann, Creative Director

Sean Appelmann

Creative Director

Trevor McBride, Interactive Creative Director

Trevor McBride

Interactive Creative Director

Zach Moffett, Sr. Software Engineer

Zach Moffett

Sr. Software Engineer

Yoni Novik, DevOps Engineer

Yoni Novik

DevOps Engineer

Aaron Patterson, Software Engineer

Aaron Patterson

Software Engineer

Bianca Trotto, Account Supervisor

Bianca Trotto

Account Supervisor

Paul Reichert, Chief Relationship Officer

Paul Reichert

Chief Relationship Officer

Jennifer Fabiano, Principal/Copywriter

Jennifer Fabiano


Monique McKenna, Art Director & Production Manager

Monique McKenna

Art Director & Production Manager

Tyler Sugg, Video Director

Tyler Sugg

Video Director

Wanna see some top agency alumni?

After almost three decades of growing companies in Phoenix, we’ve had some of the best marketing and advertising talents within the industry work with us. Who we are as a company is the sum total of the talents and experiences of all our team members as they pollinate best practices through the agency and into our clients. From new talent emerging within the industry to seasoned talent moving from the big markets and yearning for sunny Arizona, we are the place that collects the ninjas.

We focus on attracting the best marketing and advertising pros in the country to put at the fingertips of our clients. The integrated agency talent pools consist of full-time, part-time, and “former” full-time team members who help in their areas of excellence as the work demands. See the agency’s distinguished alumni here.

JT Martin, Sr. Art Director

JT Martin

Sr. Art Director

Teddy Sifert, SEO/M Strategist

Teddy Sifert

SEO/M Strategist

Bob House, Chief Strategist

Bob House

Chief Strategist

Patrick Kebert, Video Editor & VFX Artist

Patrick Kebert

Video Editor & VFX Artist

Linda Tyler, PR and Communications

Linda Tyler

PR and Communications

Gerry Tucker, AR Developer

Gerry Tucker

AR Developer

Prasant Chettri, Systems and Security Engineer

Prasant Chettri

Systems and Security Engineer

Conner Farquharson, Production Manager

Conner Farquharson

Production Manager

Nathan McClellan, App and Interface Programming Engineer

Nathan McClellan

App and Interface Programming Engineer

Lenny Bugéy, Sr. Video Editor

Lenny Bugéy

Sr. Video Editor

Sarah Skidd, Digital Ads Director/Technical Copywriter

Sarah Skidd

Digital Ads Director/Technical Copywriter

Troy Patterson, Lead Unity Developer

Troy Patterson

Lead Unity Developer

Kenn Edwards, Character Artist

Kenn Edwards

Character Artist

Brian Johnson, Interactive Senior Developer

Brian Johnson

Interactive Senior Developer

Madison Miller, Creative Copywriter

Madison Miller

Creative Copywriter

Alfred Korn, Sr. Web Developer

Alfred Korn

Sr. Web Developer

Martin DiBello, PhD, Director Of Operations and Analytics

Martin DiBello, PhD

Director Of Operations and Analytics

Mackenzie Douglass, Client Services Coordinator

Mackenzie Douglass

Client Services Coordinator

Robert Marshall, Account Coordinator

Robert Marshall

Account Coordinator

Laura Schmitz, Account Coordinator

Laura Schmitz

Account Coordinator

Erin Mulhern, Account Executive

Erin Mulhern

Account Executive

Jim Myers, Business Development

Jim Myers

Business Development

Perry Wilson, Production Manager

Perry Wilson

Production Manager

Katie Taylor, Junior Account Executive

Katie Taylor

Junior Account Executive

Zach Figures, Junior Producer

Zach Figures

Junior Producer

Kevin Kadium, Network Administrator

Kevin Kadium

Network Administrator

Mali Hirsch, Web Developer

Mali Hirsch

Web Developer

affiliates & partners
fabcom brainfood IBM Cognos logo displays FabCom's partnership with IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Software Grayscale Logo of Database Marketing Methodology company in Phoenix, Arizona Fabcom - HubSpot certified gold solutions partner Microsoft Azure Neuromarketology logo A gray font comprises this S-shaped logo for Scottsdale Interactive with the tagline 'Integration. Reach. Impact.' IBM Watson logo displays FabCom's partnership with IBM Watson Analytics Software Hybrid Reality HReality Professional Virtual Event Platform HReality Professional Virtual Education Platform Blocksolid HReality Professional Virtual Event Platform