It started with bad news – a key member of our headquarters team, a veteran lead creative director had to move back to Seattle for family reasons. We turned it into an opportunity by opening a satellite office in the Northwest’s biggest city. Our competitive advantage of “big market” talent and “small market” pricing was recognized and appreciated in a market where salaries are among the highest in the country. The Phoenix metropolitan area is one of the lower cost of living markets in the country and salaries and business expenses are more modest. Because of Arizona’s enviable weather, a lot of very talented marketing, advertising and IT professionals choose to live here.
The prevalence of digital advertising opened the floodgates to a new shadow industry of fraudulent ads. In this case study, FabCom demonstrates how our business and marketing intelligence teams saved one client from being victimized by fraudsters.
If you’re looking for a leading dynamic marketing and advertising agency partner, consider the advantages of working with FabCom. We have competitive advantages on talent and pricing that can make a big difference on the bottom line of your marketing budget.
This is where we started and still maintain our headquarters and production facilities. The low cost of living in the Phoenix metro area is a big advantage for all our clients.
Learn about our Phoenix, AZ location >
Our Los Angeles office was our first satellite. Our successful initiatives there showed us that we could be very advantageous for new “out of Phoenix” clients.
Learn about our Los Angeles, CA location >