Transcending Communication to a Deeper Level
It’s no big surprise that the foundation for any solid relationship is honesty and transparency. As someone who recently joined FabCom from an in-house public relations and marketing department at a large organization just west of Phoenix, Arizona, I’m learning that – what is a nice big surprise – this foundation also serves as the basis for the way FabCom, a Phoenix based strategic marketing and advertising agency, does business every day.
Beyond our expertise as a Phoenix based strategic marketing, advertising and public relations agency that produces communications results that amaze on numerous levels, we communicate one-to-one with our clients with honesty and transparency. As I witness the interactions with FabCom’s clients, I notice our relationships with each client form lasting strategic marketing and advertising partnerships. Establishing a meaningful strategic marketing and advertising relationship with each client means getting to know the team, helping everyone understand how we work and more importantly, how we will work together. Communication – central to any relationship – includes frequent updates, weekly team meetings with our team and the client’s, availability of our team at a moment’s notice, detailed reports and progress analyses. We’re hyper focused on marketing, advertising and public relations results, yet flexible enough in our implementation to forecast market changes and adjust accordingly, which ensures the strategic roadmap we develop continues on a steady course toward maximizing ROI – results that are guaranteed.
Our communications cycle can be considered enough by some. But we don’t stop there; our communication transcends to an even deeper level. Because our FabCom team works with our client’s team, we go the extra mile to ensure that a client’s key players understand fully their role so they work seamlessly together to implement FabCom’s integrated strategic marketing strategy that connects the dots to achieve optimal results for the client. That includes one-on-one on-boarding of a client’s team members as appropriate. Although we meet with the client’s leaders on a regular basis to keep them updated on the integrated strategic marketing campaign’s progress, we also ensure the client’s other key staff members are involved every step of the way. That includes making sure that even the client’s IT team feels connected, aware and in alignment with what our online marketing experts are doing.
It’s been impressive to observe how this Phoenix based integrated strategic marketing and advertising agency communicates with clients. Clients have the advantage of meeting with the leadership team at FabCom consistently rather than simply a customer service representative. Weekly in-person team meetings with the administrative and marketing heads of an organization routinely include President/CEO Brian Fabiano and an account executive who represent our entire integrated strategic marketing team specializing in integrated, strategic marketing; public relations; business development; creative development; SEO/SEM; art direction; web design; social media; programming; production management; data analysis and market forecasting to continually keep their eye one step ahead of the curve while they perform their magic in offline and online marketing, branding and positioning, relationship and database marketing, event marketing, cross channel, cross media advertising and website and ecommerce development.